Two hard new challenges for Yvette

Two hard new challenges for Yvette
mit Yvette Costeau
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57.0K 68 Bilder − 15,5 MB 00:27:42 − 172 MB 00:39:13 − 279 MB
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thighstouch ★★☆☆☆ Samstag, 27. August 2011, 23:09 Uhr
There are some photos here that look as though the same one has been uploaded several times. Dissapointed....
scyntax ★★★☆☆ Samstag, 15. Oktober 2011, 01:59 Uhr
All the photo sets are like that. They bracket the shots and instead of choosing the best one to upload, they just upload them all resulting in more than 50% dupes. Still great bondage but there are at least 3 of the same shots in each set.