The StraightJacket Part 6 - Jane Doe - Photos and VideoVideo

The StraightJacket Part 6 - Jane Doe - Photos and VideoVideo
mit Jane Doe
Alle Medien von “Alt Girls Bound
10.1K 47 Bilder − 24,5 MB 00:05:00 − 97 MB

Beschreibung:   Here at AGB we want to know if a 'themed' update where some of our badass babes take up similar challenges or outfits is a good idea. We have also heard rumours that some people like to see straighjackets on struggling ladies. So, to begin this 'experiment' we've got a collection of our hot models to try the challenge. We try to keep it simple at AGB (maybe for obvious reasons) and this is as simple as; one jacket, one gag, one rope and away you go. Part 6 is Jane Doe. Last but far from least, Jane shows us all how a straightjacket should be worn. Escape? well, lets just say AGB gets the potty mouth treatment from a very disgruntled it! straightjacket ballgag sneakers Please feel free to suggest a theme, be it waitress, white sneakers, business suit, latex, eating jelly beans off a tray whilst we will do this again in the next few weeks. Fancy sponsoring a shoot?     

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angelsrider ★★★★★ Mittwoch, 17. August 2016, 09:03 Uhr
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