Taking a Shower

Taking a Shower
mit Chantal und Lilith Love
Alle Medien von “Club RopeMarks
76.5K 00:07:14 − 22,5 MB

Beschreibung: At the end of a long day of tying and shooting it was time for Chantal to get cleaned up. We just happen to have Lilith Love "at hand" and so a long day became even longer, and hotter. Ingredients: two girls, one hot shower, some red rope. Result: A steamy scene. And we all know what happens when cotton rope gets soaking wet? It shrinks, ouch!


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szabaka7 ★★★★★ Montag, 24. Juli 2017, 12:41 Uhr
oh yeah
Soupbob ★★★★★ Dienstag, 07. Juni 2022, 19:48 Uhr
I love Chantal