Koo in Sneakers

Koo in Sneakers
Koo in Sneakers
mit Koo
Alle Medien von “Sneaker Tease
11.1K 59 Bilder − 62,9 MB

Beschreibung: Koo is one of those unstoppable whirlwinds. This is what happens to altgirls when they grow up and become 'respectable'. Yeah, exactly, they just get wilder!! In this collection, Koo is tied and gagged in many ways in many settings wearing many different clothes but all invlolving sneakers. She fucking loves it! bondage gags sneakers converse keds sweaters hogties Fancy sponsoring a shoot? or going all the way with a custom shoot of your very own? see http://turtlenecktease.wordpress.com/custom-jobs/ for more details or contact mailto:info@houseofwonders.co.uk  

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