Daliah: you're just my seat!

Daliah: you're just my seat!
mit Daliah
Alle Medien von “Facesitting-Paradise
31.6K 00:07:00 − 267 MB

Beschreibung: Member request: Daliah makes a coffee-break and uses for this her slave's face. He's properly chained at a bench, ready for Daliah and her coffee-break. She places her jeans-ass right on his face and enjoys her coffee and cake. While she eats, she forgets on what she sits, and sits relaxed like on a piece of furniture... means with all her weight... a hard time begins for him!

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anonym ★★☆☆☆ Dienstag, 09. August 2016, 06:25 Uhr
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ohmineeyes ★★★★★ Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2017, 23:15 Uhr
good clip